IPSDK Toolkit
IPSDK Toolkit offers a complete and optimized range of functionalities for 2D and 3D image processing and analysis. Available in C++ and Python, IPSDK Toolkit’s functionalities can be used individually or combined to create scripts or batch processes.
Although the IPSDK Toolkit is primarily aimed at developers, you can also prototype your own applications using IPSDK Explorer ‘s graphical user interface and its automatic Python script generator.
IPSDK Toolkit : Sum up

IPSDK Toolkit Development
The development of IPSDK Toolkit functions is state-of-the-art. All functions are parallelized to maximize workstation capacity, using all available cores. Furthermore, IPSDK Toolkit automatically adapts to your processor’s architecture and capabilities.
For example, IPSDK Toolkit supports SSE2, AVX, AVX2 and even AVX512 instruction sets ( if available). It considerably reduces calculation times: some processes take a few minutes, whereas they can take several hours with other software on the market.
Benchmark Dilation
Hereafter is a graph comparing processing times for datasets from 10 to 100 Mb. On the x-axis, the size of the dataset is displayed, on the y-axis the processing time.
These graphs demonstrate the significant time savings achieved by IPSDK Toolkit compared with other solutions.

Read more about IPSDK Toolkit…
IPSDK Toolkit can be called from a large number of image analysis solutions on the market, such as ITK / VTK, Matlab… This connection can be used either via a Python import, or via C++ coding.
In addition, IPSDK Toolkit offers exhaustive and rigorous documentation of all image processing functions. In addition, all commands are accompanied by a visual to help you understand the function’s purpose, and an example of coding in Python and C++.

Liste des fonctionnalités disponibles
- Edition d’images : Création, conversion, image aléatoire, découpage, …
- Binarisation : Manuelle, automatique (otsu, kapur, iso, …), tophat,
- Arithmétique : Addition, soustraction, normalisation, correction de fond, …
- Égalisation d’histogrammes,
- Réhaussement adaptif de contraste,
- Opérations logiques : OU, ET, NON, …
- Combinaison de piles d’images : Min, max, moyenne, stddev, gradient max, …
- Morphologie : Érosion, dilatation, ouverture, fermeture, reconstruction, remplissage de trous, suppression d’objets sur les bords, …
- Squelette, points terminaux, points triples, algorithme HitOrMiss, …
- Mesure statistique globale : Entropie, variance, tortuosité, inertie, …
- Filtrage morphologique,
- Carte des distances exactes, étiquetage,
- Séparation (bassin versant, classique ou adaptatif),
- Segmentation par Deep Learning, outil interactif pour l’apprentissage,
- Super pixels, super voxels,
- Classification d’objets par Deep Learning, outil interactif pour l’apprentissage,
- Ajout de marqueurs sur une image label à partir d’un masque,
- Calcul du plus cours chemin traversant une image,
- Filtres linéaires : moyen, gaussien, gradient gaussien, convolution avec tout type de noyau,
- Filtres adaptatifs : Bilatéral, masque non tranchant, …
- Filtres non linéaires : Médiane, délinéance, flou, diffusion anisotrope, Moyens non locaux, bilatéral,
- Filtrage des bruits périodiques,
- Détection des frontières : Gradient, Laplacien, isosurface, …
- Extraction de contours polygonaux pour des objets en 2D,
- Extraction de contours de type maillage pour les objets en 3D,
- Corrélation, transformée de Hough, …
- Classification : K-means, K-means masqué, Karhunen Loeve, …
- Enregistrement, extraction de points d’intérêt, similarité, homographie, liste de points définis par une image binarie, …
- Analyse individuelle (objet par objet)
- Volume, surface, diamètres des Feret, longueur, épaisseur,
- Moments d’inertie,
- Rectangle englobant (orienté ou non),
- Surface de contact, distance par rapport au plus proche voisin, …
- Orientation
- Mesure de la forme, de la sphéricité, de l’excentricité, de la convexité, …
- Mesures d’intensité : min, max, moyenne, écart-type, …
- Filtrage des formules mathématiques sur ces mesures,
- Histogramme.
List of available processing functions (non-exhaustive)
- Image edition: Creation, conversion, random image, crop, …
- Binarization: Manual, automatic (otsu, kapur, iso, …), tophat,
- Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction, standardization, background correction, …
- Equalization of histograms,
- Adaptive Contrast Enhancement
- Logical operations: OR, AND, NOT, …
- Image stack combination: Min, max, mean, stddev, max gradient,…
- Morphology: Erosion, dilation, opening, closing, reconstruction, filling holes, removing objects at the edge, …
- Image segmentation using Deep Learning, interactive training module,
- Image segmentation using Super pixel coupled with Deep Learning, interactive training module,
- Object classification using Deep Learning, interactive training module,
- Global statistical measurement: Entropy, variance, tortuosity, inertia,…
- Morphological filtering,
- Exact distance map, labeling,
- Separation (classical and adaptive watershed),
- Add a marker to a label image from a mask image,
- Shortest path to cross an image in a given direction,
- Linear filters: medium, Gaussian, Gaussian gradient, convolution with any type of kernel,
- Adaptive filters: Bilateral, unsharp mask, …
- Non-linear filters: Median, delieneate, deblur, anisotropy diffusion, Non local Means, bilateral,
- Fourier,
- Filtering periodic noises,
- Border detection: Gradient,
- Laplacian, isosurface, …
- Extracting polygonal contours for 2D objects,
- Extracting mesh-type contours for 3D objects,
- Correlation, transformed from Hough, …
- Classification: K-means, Masked K-means, Karhunen Loeve,…
- Registration, extraction of point of interest, similarity, homography, build a list of pixels given by a binary image, …
- Individual analysis (object by object)
- Volume, surface, Feret diameters, length, thickness,
- Moments of inertia,
- Encompassing rectangle (oriented or not),
- Contact surface, distance to nearest neighbor, …
- Orientation
- Measure of form, sphericity, eccentricity, convex hull, …
- Intensity measurements: min, max, average, standard deviation, …
- Filtering from mathematical formulas on these measurements,
- Histogram.