IPSDK Explorer Artificial Intelligence module for object classification
In addition to traditional image analysis and processing solutions, IPSDK also offers artificial intelligence (AI) solutions.
IPSDK offers two innovative and revolutionary modules based on Machine Learning techniques: Smart Segmentation and Smart Classification. Although technologically highly advanced, these new tools have been designed to be easily used by all IPSDK users, even beginners.
IPSDK offers the possibility of generating learning models in the IPSDK Explorer graphical interface, using easy-to-use interactive tools. These models can then be used in the interface or in scripts to process large quantities of images very quickly.
Machine Learning Smart Classification: Sum Up…
SMART Classification : Object Classification
For automatic classification of segmented objects.
After a quick, user-friendly learning phase of assisted classification of certain labels or objects by the user, the Machine Learning tool quickly and automatically defines classification rules for objects in a series of images, based on discriminant measurements.

How to use the SMART Classification in IPSDK Explorer?
Presentation of the SMART Classification module available in the IPSDK software.
This video shows how to build a model using the interactive learning tool to automatically and simply classify labeled objects.
The algorithm, based on Random Forest techniques, identifies the discriminant measures to be used to classify objects according to the training proposed by the user.