Schlumberger Moscow Research IPSDK Benchmark
We swear that IPSDK is the most optimized Scientific Image Processing solution in the world! What? You don't believe us... No problem, we can prove it to you! Please have a look to the following...
Reactiv’IP and Metalitest sign a long-term distribution agreement for MetalloBox in UK and Ireland
Reactiv’IP is very proud to announce a long-term partnership with Metalitest. Thanks to this collaboration, Metalitest increases its range of services and products in United Kingdom and Ireland with...
IPSDK 3.0 released
With the new release of IPSDK, optimized solution for image analysis and processing, Reactiv'IP will host webinar sessions to present the major IPSDK 3.0 new features and improvements, among which:...
New Website
To celebrate the return from Summer vacations, Reactiv'IP is proud to announce the launching of its new website: We conceived and designed this new website with 2 main...
How to remove Ring Artifacts with IPSDK?
Based on "Superior techniques for eliminating artifacts in X-ray micro-tomography", IPSDK permits to remove ring artifacts from micro-CT datasets. The main idea was to use...
Job Offer – Laboratoire Génie des Procédés Papetiers (LGP2)
Laboratoire Génie des Procédés Papetiers (LGP2) is proposing a post-doctoral position for a period of 18 months. Nowadays, people are asking for green and sustainable products which could be...
Job Offer – Magmas et Volcans Laboratory
The Magmas et Volcans Laboratory is proposing a research fellowship (post-doc) for a period of two years. The person recruited will be responsible for the analysis of X-CT (X-ray computed...
IPSDK 2.0.3 Improvements
End June 2020, Reactiv'IP organized webinar sessions to present the latest features and improvements of IPSDK 2.0.3. In this notification, you will see the tutorials or articles corresponding to...
Freeware vs IPSDK Comparison
How to effectively compare image processing SDK ? When someone allows himself to present his image processing product as one of the fastest in the market, it is his duty to prove it. The first idea...