Autoradiography Processing with Atlas link
In collaboration with CERMEP and based on IPSDK Explorer software, Reactiv’IP developed an application which combines autoradiography requirements and matching with a pre-existing Atlas.
In collaboration with CERMEP and based on IPSDK Explorer software, Reactiv’IP developed an application which combines autoradiography requirements and matching with a pre-existing Atlas.

This application first defines series of slices and then matches the corresponding sections (Total and Specific fixation).

ROI selection for each series

Then, for each pair, the software automatically determines the section contours. If required, it is possible to manually adjust the auto-defined contours.
Once the contours are validated, each section is linked to an atlas using the fine-tuning parameters (rotation, zoom, translation).

Having completed and validated these steps, the application automatically generates results sheets containing all the measurements performed for each series.