3D Geologic plug quantification
To solve a customer need, Reactiv’IP developed a specific python script based on IPSDK library to segment and measure geologic plug grains acquired by CT-Tomography.
Zoom on a part of the image to display segmented grains inside the plug.
This system allows to quickly segment grains within a geologic plug. This is a very common application in Geology. But most of times, the datasets size are massive and the computation time can be prohibitive.
In this application, IPSDK provides the capability to segment very quickly all grains. The Customer would just need to select the relevant measurements from a large range available within IPSDK to quantify his sample.
Thanks to this segmentation he obtained lots of measurements described here below.
The Python application relies on several filtering and morphological operations. In a first step, the script detects the binary mask of the plug. During the second step, the application uses an automatic threshold to avoid the detection to be user-dependent.
Finally, the process uses an automatic segmentation based on watershed to separate efficiently grains.
Here on the rightside : a plug slice with the detected grains in overlay.
This application generates a lot of measurements for each segmented grain such as Volume, Equivalent Diameter, Position, … Of course, Histograms can be generated based on these measurements.

IPSDK Results spreadsheet for this plug analysis.

Grain Equivalent radius Histogram .