IPSDK Explorer 4 : Functionalities

Discover the all-new 3D Viewer in our IPSDK Explorer 4 software.

It perfectly completes the image processing and analysis tools of the IPSDK Explorer software suite.

  • Volume rendering,
  • Orthoslices,
  • Clipping,
  • Surface rendering,
  • Simplificateur de maillages,
  • Générateur de vidéos (Movie maker),
  • Mode survol dans les visualisations 3D.
IPSDK Explorer 4 Battery

IPSDK Explorer 4 : Tutorials

3D visualization with Volume Rendering

In this tutorial, you will learn how to :

  • Use the IPSDK 3D Viewer
  • Crop your datasets
  • Display the X, Y and Z axes of your dataset

Mesh extraction, simplification and visualization

In this tutorial, you’ll discover how to :

  • Generate a mesh from a label image (Mesh generation)
  • Create a hybrid 3D mesh / raw dataset visualization
  • Simplify the mesh and display the mesh triangles

Movie Maker for creating your own videos and showcasing your work

In this tutorial, you’ll discover how to:

  • Define the views and zooms to be used in the video
  • Define how to manage multiple data types (raw, label, mesh…) in the video
  • Save and generate the video
  • Create or load the video’s “scenario” project

Hover mode for 3D image travel

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how:

  • Use normal view mode (fixed camera and moving dataset)
  • Fly mode (fixed object and moving camera)
  • Navigate within a dataset in Fly mode
  • View Fly navigation mode shortcuts

View 3D images in 4-view mode

In this tutorial, you’ll discover how to:

  • View a dataset in 4 views (Volume Rendering and 3 orthoslices)
  • Adjust the display context synchronously on all 4 views
  • Move an orthoslice and see its position on the other 2 orthoslices

4D image management and display (3D image sequence)

In this tutorial, you’ll discover how to:

  • load a 4D dataset (3D + t)
  • view displacement in time or Z in 2D view (slice by slice)
  • visualize displacement in 3D view (volume rendering)

Discover IPSDK Explorer 4 on our Youtube channel